Society Standing Rules
1. Regular meetings of the NWBN shall be held on the fourth (4 th ) Wednesday of each
month, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors
2. Annual membership dues shall be:
a. Individual Membership - $ 150.00
b. Corporate Membership $ 250.00
c. Non/Not for Profit $ 125.00
i. Corporate Members are limited to three (3) representatives per Corporate Membership
ii. Elections – only one person from each corporate membership can vote
3. Payment of Dues: Membership shall run from January 1 st to December 31st each year. Dues are payable by January 15 th of each year. New Members joining during the year will pay on a semi annual basis effective June 30 2024. Receipts will be issued for all dues paid. Members shall be responsible for insuring the NWBN society is made aware of any changes to their addresses, telephone number, e-mail, or name, etc.
4. Event fees: Members shall pay $ 45.00 per event; Guests shall pay $ 55.00 per event. Members who chose a pay-in-advance option, there will be no refund or credit if they do not attend a regular scheduled event. Instead, these funds will be used for general support of the NWBN society. Reservations are to be made by the Friday before the meeting. Seating cannot be guaranteed without a reservation.
Cancellations may be made up to 48 hours prior to the event; otherwise, the person is responsible and invoiced for the event
5. Guests: Guests are welcome to attend two (2) times per fiscal year as a guest. After that, it is expected that the guest obtains a membership.
6. Committees: The following committee shall operate with a Board Member as the chairperson and may include members at large as well as other Board members. Outgoing committee persons shall be responsible for handing over up-to-date
manuals or files to the appropriate Board Members
a. Standing Committees: Communications, Membership, Programming, Special Events, Public Relations
b. Ad Hoc Committees: Budget, Bylaws, Nominating, Tendering (as needed)
7. Budget Committee: the Treasurer and Board will produce a budget for approval by the AGM in May of each year. Items over $ 1,500 not in the budget shall be brought before the general membership for approval and will require a 50% vote plus one of those members in attendance at that time.
8. Tendering Policy:
a. Members in good standing of three (3) months or more may present bids.
b. All tenders will be for one year.
c. An Ad Hoc tendering committee will be formed, as needed which will have one member with a working knowledge and one Board Member liaison (minimum). The bids must be sealed, dated, and signed and opened by the tendering committee.
d. Invitation(s) to tender shall be advertised in the NWBN via the monthly e-newsletter.
e. Tendering will only be given to members in good standing. If no member applies, then and only then shall the community at large be given an opportunity. The Board will assign a dollar limit for each job and the Tendering Committee’s decision will be based on a value for dollar.
f. In the event a Director or Member on the Tendering Committee is also seeking the bid, bids will be opened at the Director’s meeting. Directors will make the decision. It is expected that the Board member involved will remove themselves from the discussion.
g. All Tenders will be open for review and requests for review must be made in writing within 30 days of announcement of decision. The decision of the Board is FINAL.
h. Decision will be made withing 5 business days. All parties submitting tenders will be notified of the decision of the tendering Committee.
9. Complaints Policy:
a. The NWBN Society encourages attempts by all parties to resolve complaints between themselves.
b. Complaints must be writing to the NWBN Society.
c. Complaints will be acknowledged and tabled at the next regular executive meeting.
d. Both parties will be notified about the Board decision. The decision of the Board is final.
10. Member Entitlement: Upon becoming a member, each person:
a. Will be added to the members Director on the NWBN Society website / Facebook page and listed on the current membership list with information provided on the member’s application form.
b. Receive the members rate to attend events.
11. Amendments: Standing Rules may be established, amended, or rescinded by two thirds (2/3) vote of members at a general meeting without having given previous notice. A simple majority vote is sufficient if prior notice (by either email or newsletter
announcement) bas been given to members.